On Tuesday something happened. it happened once before but i never thought much of it. the first time it happened i was at the X-factor live tour concert with a friend of mine. we were in standing and we were up the front by the stage, so we were pretty deep into the crowd. After the first half of the concert i started to get this weird feeling in my stomach. i started to feel really small like everyone was just going to come in on me. I just knew i had to get out of the crowd as soon as possible. I didnt bother to tell my friend were i was going, i didn't think i would make it out in time if i had stopped.
i ended up spending the next 20 minutes in the bathroom getting sick and wondering what was wrong with me. So when i left the bathroom and went back into the concert i stood on the outskirts of the crowd. i didn't have the courage to go back in. My friends ended up finding me and we stayed there and watched the rest of the concert.
the second time its happened was Tuesday. My class went to Emanuel, which is were schools come together and sing in a choir. there were over 700 students all in one room together. When it came the time to perform. those feelings started again. i was having trouble breathing, i was sweating, i felt dizzy and i started to feel nausea. when i tried to calm down i ended up panicking even more.When the break came one of my friends had taken me out and walked around with me to try and get my mind off it and it worked, i felt much better.
so besides these two times I've never taken a panic attack before and I thought it'd be good to put some information about panic attacks here so more people know about them.
these are just some symptoms
- Pounding heart
- Sweating
- Shaking
- Shortness of breath which can include:
- Feeling of choking
- Chest pain
- Nausea/ tummy cramps
- Feeling dizzy or unsteady