Hey everyone,
It's been a while hasn't it? I think I'm back for good now, the last few months were kinda a downward spiral where I lost all motivation to even look at this blog, never mind trying to write a blog post, I started college and I'll be honest its not at all what I thought it'd be like and I think it was kind of a shock to my system,
for months beforehand I had been so excited to write about my holiday to Florida and do a series of blog post leading up to it and all about it and as the time came closer I just couldn't bring myself to grab my laptop and write and that itself made me upset but nothing could spark inspiration.
I'm back from Florida a few weeks now and its only now that I feel like I'm getting back to myself and getting over the holiday blues that definitely didn't help my situation.
I really wanna catch up on my photo diary posts and my Orlando ones as they're really important to me in terms of me looking back and being able to read about them. I always hope that other people enjoy reading my blog posts but most importantly I write them because I heavily cherish my memories and what I've come across in my short time here. Blogging my experiences and the things i enjoy has become a big part of my life in the last 2/3 years and I'm really excited to get back into.
So here's to a fresh start and exciting times,