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keeping entertained when flying alone

by - 7:35 pm

Hey Everyone,

So before arriving in Amsterdam to join my friends, I had to endure a Ryanair flight on my own 
My flight was early in the morning and as you can probably imagine I was half asleep and not really up for any awkward interactions with the strangers seated beside me, so I made sure to have a list of things that would keep me occupied.

I brought a book with me to read. It's called Muglies and it was given to me by my friend Mayra as a birthday present and now I've found the perfect time to read it.

Another means of distraction I had with me was my journal, well 2 journals actually. The first one is my everyday thoughts journal and the second is my travel journal, 
which was also given to me by Mayra. She gave it to me to encourage me to write about my trips.

And my final distraction is my phone, earphones and a portable charger. I'm 18 but it didn't stop me from listening to the Descendants 2 soundtrack. I'm a very big Disney fan.

Overall my flight was grand. It flew by ( get it hah) I was blessed with a window seat so I was very happy, well as happy as you can be at half 6 in the morning. 

landing in Schiphol airport was a bit shaky as it was really windy but other than that it was fine. The views I had from my seat were unbelievable. I never know why but I always find clouds fascinating. 

I hope you enjoyed this blog post and it gives you some ideas for the next time your travelling and please if you have any do share!

Until next time, 

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