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A Few Days Away..
Hey everyone,
So if you follow me on Twitter and Instagram you might have seen that on the 20th of April I hopped on a flight to Leeds to visit family for a couple of days. My dad's side of the family live over there and its been nearly 10 years since I've seen them.
We chose to go during my Easter holidays because the next few months are going to be hectic with my exams in a few weeks. I have to admit it was nice to get out for Dublin for a few days. A change of scenery did my head some good. I swapped the levelled streets of Dublin for the very steep and never ending hills of Bramley.
We went into Leeds city centre almost everyday.The Primark in Trinity centre was huge, I took me a while to wrap my head around it. I did pick up a few bits too many because I had trouble getting m case to close on Monday morning. Note to self: next time check in a case, it'll be worth it.
My cousin took my brother and I to a trampoline park and it made me realise that I'm incredibly unfit. Our session was for a hour but I think I only last half an hour.
We also celebrated my birthday over there since it's next week and they wouldn't be there. I also played so many games of pool, I should be a pro now haha.

I Hope you enjoyed this little look into my adventure across the pond.
I also made a Video of bits I filmed while I was over there. It's not great but I just wanted to give it a try.
Until next time,
Andi xxx