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My love for life

by - 1:36 pm

Hey Everyone, 

So today i thought i would share some of my favourite photos I've taken over the last couple of months. I'm gonna be honest: i am in no way a professional photographer, I don't even know what I'm doing half the time but I will not stop until i can get the perfect photo. I really love taking candid's of family members and friends and you cant beat a few shots of Dublin City and Lourdes, it does have it's moments.

So I thought I could talk you through these 3 photos I took. These photos to you may mean nothing but to me their personal because of what I felt in that moment and still what i feel when I look at them now. 

The first photo was taken in Dublin City centre were I live, you know what they say "Home is where the heart is" This city while it has it's many problems, it does hold a place in my heart .I've noticed I've never been as comfortable walking through streets of foreign cities as I have walking down O'Connell Street. I Know this picture doesn't show you the entirety of Dublin but it shows the early morning sun and calmness that surrounds that. 

I'd say this photo took me a couple of shoots to get right and I probably did look a bit out of sorts standing on my own in the middle of a bridge at like half 7/8 in the morning.

The second photo is of my Godchild Kara on her first Christmas. She's 9 months old in this picture. I cannot tell you how long and how many try's it took to get the final photo. Baby's are really hard to photograph.

I had my Nan standing there trying to get her attention. If I ever do go into Photography as a career, I think I'll stay clear of kids.

My third and final photo was snapped in Lourdes last September. I was walking through on my way to help out in the Accueil one evening and I knew I had to stop and take photos. 

 Later that night though, when I was going back over the pictures I took, I saw that they came out much darker than I thought they would. It was a shame, but I decided to have a go at editing them and I was really happy with how this one turned out. 

If you knew me personally you would know that I'm constantly on the lookout for a new camera and equipment to take with me; and in October I'm heading to Orlando and I don't wanna tug around a big camera with me because let's face it, it would be a pain. 

 I was really happy though when I found out about a compact camera called L16, this camera has 17 different lenses, its really lightweight AND it fits in your hand. It's perfect to pop into my pocket and take with me

The L16 is by a company called Light. I am dying to get my hands on one of their camera's. If you wanna know more about the L16, check out their website here: Light.co

Until Next Time,
Andi xxx 

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