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Top 10: Songs

by - 4:59 pm

I have been loving, well more like obsessed with music the last few weeks and I've gathered up a list of my current favourites. So if your looking for some new songs, here's a few.

1. Vagabond - Misterwives

2. English rose - Ed sheeran

3. If you ever wanna be in love - James bay

4. Afterlife - Greyson Chance

5. sweet lovin' - Sigala

6. Forever stuck in your youth - set if off

7. Heaven - Troye Sivan

8.  Altas - Shannon Saunders

9. Take shelter -years and years

10. New York - Ed sheeran

So which one was your favourite ? Let me know in the comments or tweet me at @dxyeszxella

Hope you enjoyed it.
Till next time,
Andi xx

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