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Back to School Haul

by - 5:00 pm

Hello Lovelies, 
Its that time of the year yet again. I was slightly dreading writing this blog post as it reminds me that I'll be putting my uniform back on and going back to school properly tomorrow. Please pray for me. The good news though is that this is my last year .The next 9 months will hold a lot of last's for me but after that there will be a whole lot of first's.
The thought of going to college kinda scares me. I feel like i'm way to young to be thinking of college applications. 

Anyways I'll stop boring you with my fears of being an adult (for now). So over the last five years I've gotten my back to school down to a T. It's kinda drilled in my head of what I need, so I'm showing you what I got. 

The first few bits I got a bunch of pens and highlighters that I'll put into my Zoella pencil case, it's from the tutti frutti range and I used it as a pencil case last year so I just thought I'd reuse it. 

I also bought a second pencil case for my colouring pencils. That way, it's easier and It'll be less cluttered. One of my exam subjects is Art, so it's handy to have some with me for class.

I also got some notebooks, 6 to be exact, I do 7 exam subjects including Maths, but I'll buy a maths copy in school. I prefer big notebooks to small copies as they last longer and I won't have to go through as many if I was using copies. I liked these cause there simple yet still colorful. And it wont be long till I get bored in a class and doodle all over them. 

I hope you enjoyed this post. Do let me know when your heading back to school and what year/grade you're going into? 

Until Next Time,
Andi xxx

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